Church Growth & Leadership Training

Members and leaders will be attending workshops geared toward enhancing effectiveness in the areas in which they serve. Attendees will also be provided with a platform to share any personal insights that will help them and the ministry they serve in become more effective.

Senior Citizen Day

On this day we take time to acknowledge and appreciate the senior saints who are members of our church.

Vacation Bible School

During this week attendees, both adolescents and adults alike will be scripturally taught through various means e.g. lessons, games, videos, etc. all of which will have an evangelistic reach to them.

5th Sunday Community Outreach

Our Church’s fourth core value states…We are Communally Serving-We know the community in which we are stationed is our immediate mission field. We shall therefore be actively engaged in bettering our community for the cause of Christ by being visible, vocal, and vocational in our local schools, nursing facilities, senior citizen community, and municipality (Matthew ... Read more

Church Anniversary & Homecoming

The Members of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church of Citronelle will be celebrating 154 years as a church. All are welcome to join in this momentous occasion.

Youth Day

We will be putting a special emphasis on encouraging the youth of the Church this Sunday by dedicating song, sermon, and other various activities. Our theme: “REMEBER YOUR CREATOR IN YOUR YOUTH” Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou ... Read more

Church Growth & Leadership Training

Members and leaders will be attending workshops geared toward enhancing effectiveness in the areas in which they serve. Attendees will also be provided with a platform to share any personal insights that will help them and the ministry they serve in become more effective.

Pastor’s Appreciation

Our Church family will be celebrating sixteen years of Pastor and People being united in labor and love for Christ.

Men & Women’s Day

We will be celebrating authentic biblical men and women of our church with a focus on leaving a legacy for succeeding generations to follow and advance.

Fall Revival 6:30pm Nightly

A revival meeting will be held nightly; all are welcome to attend.

Missionary / Colorama Day

Our Missionary department program on this day is an invitation for all to attend especially missionary groups from other churches. This program is designed to raise funds to help the missionary department in their efforts of engaging in missionary work in the local community.