Installation of Officers

All officers that will serve in the various ministries/departments of the church will be announced, presented to the congregation, and prayed for as they move forward in service this calendar year (Ex. 18:13-23).

Church Growth & Leadership Training

Members and leaders will be attending workshops geared toward enhancing effectiveness in the areas in which they serve. Attendees will also be provided a platform to share any personal insights that will help them and the ministry they serve to become more effective (Num. 11:25).

All Ministries Day

All ministries of our church are highlighted and appreciated for their giftedness and their unique contribution to the overall mission of the Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church of Citronelle.

Last Seven Sayings of Christ

This program is designed to give the attendee an in-depth view of the spiritual, and scriptural significance of Jesus the Christ’ vicarious suffering and sacrifice at Calvary. Seven ministers will expound upon one of the seven last sayings of Christ from the cross (1st Cor. 1:18).